South Australian
United Church Netball Association Inc.
South Australian
United Church Netball Association
SAUCNA awards achievement at many levels. The awards are as follows:
Annual Awards
Anna De Cicco Volunteer of the Year Award - Awarded to a person nominated by their club for exceptional volunteer service over the course of the preceding year (awarded at the AGM)
Service Award - Awarded to a person/s nominated by a club or the Board for exceptional service to the association over a significant period of time
Winter Season
Joy Smith Award - Fairest and Most Brilliant Player in A1
Kevin Beare Award - Fairest and Most Brilliant Player in A2
Barb Morgan Award – Fairest and Most Brilliant Player in 17/1
Nell Kinsman Coaches Award - Coach of the Minor Premiers in A1 and A2
Pettit Trophy - Premiers in A1
Eileen Saxby Award - Highest goal average (City and Suburban courts)
Summer Season
Dean Lawrance Incentive Award - Awarded to player in 13 & under competition
Maurice Clifton Trophy - Highest goal average (Open and Junior teams)