South Australian
United Church Netball Association Inc.
South Australian
United Church Netball Association
About Us
Welcome to SAUCNA
The SA United Church Netball Association Inc conducts two competitions each year:
Winter season - commences late March/early April and concludes late August
Summer season - commences mid October and concludes mid March
Winter season matches are played on Saturday afternoons at 12.00pm, 1.30pm and 3.00pm. In Winter 2024 some matches at Association courts will also be played at 4:30pm. Clubs will be advised after affiliations close if this will be the case.
Open and 17 & under matches are played at Association Courts (cnr Anzac Highway and Goodwood Road, Wayville, South Australia).
All other age grade matches are played at suburban club courts across Adelaide (court locations are available on the PlayHQ fixture list).
Summer season matches are all played at Association Courts (where court space permits) however where the number of team nominations exceed the number of courts available an additional venue may be required.
Open matches are played on Wednesday nights at 6.15, 7.15, 8.15 and 9.15pm.
17 & under and 13 & under play Tuesday nights at 6.00pm, 7.10pm and 8.20pm.
15 & under play Monday nights at 6.30 or 7.40pm.
11 & under play Thursday nights 6.00 or 7.10pm.
8 & under and 9 & under are played on Friday nights at 6.00, and 7.00pm.